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Antoine Marois - La Roche

Regular price €15,99
Regular price Sale price €15,99
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100% apple
5,5% vol
Normandy, France

Antoine Marois used to work for the famous Chapoutier winery in the Rhône, crafting world class wines before he was called back to his native Normandy. Here, in a beautiful farm home, he works with old orchards of old trees. He separates the apples according to their soil types. La Roche means these apples come from rock soils, making it a nice and round cider in the whole line up. 

The ciders of Antoine Marois are considered some of the best crafted ciders in the world. You can sense the level of attention of a winemaker that Antoine has brought to cider. In the style of the Northern French ciders, but a bit more refined and elegant.